Swadhisthana (also spelled with a v), is the powerful orange chakra located along the pelvis region, which translates to "where self is established."
When activated, people can expect to safely express themselves emotionally, creatively, and sexually.
It is also said that fear will block this chakra.
For the collaboration elements, real life artist @CortneyCrewe drew a (somewhat self-portrait) female yogini in half-pigeon pose. This is an asana that helps open Swadhisthana.
In the video element, @YogaMahadevi, briefly shares the opening sequence of Sivananda style yoga. Starting in savasana, slowly working up into seated, then utilizing 2 pranayamas, is an excellent opening technique to prepare the body & ALL chakras to activate. Try it tomorrow before you start your day!
Catia is a true inspiration in the local yoga scene; an instructor of 20+ years who cured her MS through diet change, yoga and meditation.
Her devoted husband Patrick, joins me on the mat.