Attribute | Value | % Same | # Same |
Between rows | 2’ | 34.06% | 281 |
Days to maturity | 60 | 7.52% | 62 |
Days to sprout | 7-14 | 31.88% | 263 |
Font colour | purple | 12.48% | 103 |
Genus | Beta | 12.48% | 103 |
Infraspecific | Vulgaris | 4.97% | 41 |
Logo position | bottom right | 29.21% | 241 |
Planting depth | ½” | 38.18% | 315 |
Seeds/pack | 30 | 17.21% | 142 |
Seed spacing | 1” | 61.09% | 504 |
Shipping info | Can & USA | 96.36% | 795 |
Species | Vulgaris | 17.33% | 143 |
Thin to | 3” | 19.27% | 159 |
Type | root | 19.64% | 162 |
Date/Time | Sale Price | Buyer | Seller |
400.0 | 0x4dbd057aea218f498a9b660f6cfdf6ce86bf8de7 | 0x4939f59213f269c101c9b6946c9296c00a02de8b |